N.R. Hart, World Poetess
Bestselling Author
New York, New York USA
A Cultured Girl
by Terri Mash
From Ohio, USA, Terri Mash finds joy living in the rural hills of southeastern Ohio. Sitting on her front porch, Terri writes of her family, friends, horses, dogs, and more. She finds quiet time by the creek and under the pine canopy, nestled in the needles, where she remembers her past as she plans her future. A heartfelt poet and illustrator, Terri invites you into the mind of A Cultured Girl.
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Some of us Are Ghosts
by Sandra Russell
One October night Sandra Russell was driving on a country road, headed for town to meet a friend who was performing at a local nightclub. There was a breeze blowing the treetops and strands of shifting fog low to the ground. Just as she crested a big hill, she saw below what looked like a specter, someone in white. Maybe someone dancing? As the car slowed, she realized it was just a neighbor in a long nightgown, picking up her mail from across the road. When she arrived at the nightclub, she sat at a table near the stage. The energy of the crowd reminded her of how some people seemed so full of life while others were just blanks, like empty jars on a shelf. Suddenly the poem came to her. Sandra asked the waitress for something to write with. With the help of a blue crayon and paper napkins, Sandra wrote Some of us are Ghosts. The author entertains the reader through ethereal illustrations, painted less with a brush and more with a divining rod that opens the mystic well of imagination.
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